Dear Parents and Guardian of Blue Heaven Public School. I want to draw your attention towards the aim of the school. The aim of this school is to develop spirit of discipline in student’s behaviour. Now think, what is discipline?

  • Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill etc. The controlled ordered behaviour result from such hard training.
  • Discipline is the basis of whole universe.
  • Discipline is a basic requirement of a civilized society. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a spirit of co-operation and unity.
  • Discipline should be inculcated from very young age. Talented genius alone are not enough to achieve success.
  • Discipline has an equally important role to play.
  • Discipline is not only desirable but indispensable.

Wherever discipline, and regulation of human conduct are absent, moral and material deterioration has set in absence of discipline means decay. The importance of discipline in educational Institutions is well recognised. There should be proper balance between discipline and freedom of the students. The educational institute should have peaceful and calm atmosphere to enable the students to acquire knowledge.

Discipline in school may reduce the violence and help students to focus better on their studies and career, It is very true to say that discipline ensures justice and fair play.

So, to see above we have given a slogan to our school.

Discipline is our aim







Blue Heaven Public School